Kusala yoga teacher training

KUSALA YOGA has been combining the practices of Yoga with the insights of Buddhism since 2004. Join KUSALA co-founders in this 200 hour Buddhist-inspired Yoga Teacher Training Program.


KUSALA YOGA's 200 hour Buddhist-based Yoga Teacher Training is a unique opportunity to learn the practices of yoga with the insights of Buddhism, and thus integrate this approach into your own practice and teachings.

Asana (posture) and pranayama (breath and energy work) support the strength and flexibility of the body, while Vipassana and Metta meditations are complimentary techniques that will help the yogi live fully and compassionately in the present moment, on and off the mat. When these techniques are earnestly applied, transformation is unavoidable.

This training will include

Asana exploration: standing and seated poses, forward and backbends, inversions, twists, arm balances

Adjustments and Assits: learn how to safely and efficiently adjust and assist in the poses


Anatomy and Physiology: learn how it applies to a body in movement

Vipassana (Mindfulness) and Metta meditations

Buddhist philosophy, scripture and ethical training

Practice teaching

The program is meant for those who intend to teach, as well as those who are seeking to deepen their personal practices. We welcome anyone interested to apply.

Please contact Mélanie: melanie@chevarie.info


KUSALA YOGA co-founders and Yoga Teacher Training co-teachers Melissa McKay and Melanie Chevarie are long time friends who share a paralleled passion for both asana practice and Buddhist meditation. They have a combined 34 years of practice on and off the yoga mat and meditation cushion, and offer a training rich in ancient teachings that are presented in very real and practical ways, providing the tools for cultivating peace and happiness.